Neillsville, Wisconsin

Pastor Jacoba Koppert

Church 715-743-2147

Pastor's Office 715-743-2117


July 23, 2017                                                              9:00 a.m.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

All who are comfortably able are invited to stand at those

places in the service indicated by an asterisk*

We ask you to please turn off all telephones and electronic devices.

We Gather to Worship God

PRELUDE                                                               Eileen Zank


RINGING OF THE BELL               



GATHERING MUSIC                                           Eileen Zank


*CALL TO WORSHIP1                                                          

Leader:   Weeds and seeds, growing together.

People: Each will influence the other. What will we learn from the weeds?

Leader:  Trials and tribulations, choices that have not always worked out. Weeds can teach us about perseverance — consider the tough dandelion plant pushing its way up through the pavement — for some itÕs just a weed, but for others there are lessons to be learned.

People:  From the seeds we learn, inside each one of us is a special person, waiting to be nurtured to wholeness. Each seed is unique; each has its own gifts to offer.

Leader:   In GodÕs garden, GodÕs love extends to both – asking both to consider what each has to offer to a hurting world.

People:    Lord, help us to be good seeds, bearing fruits of kindness, justice and compassion.

Leader:     Keep us mindful of those for whom life has been difficult and yet they persist in trying to make each day better.

All:          Be in our hearts, O Lord, and in our lives. Amen

*HYMN              ÒMorning Has BrokenÓ                               #5                                               


Loving God, we are grateful for all the good seeds you have planted among us. Help us to be patient with the weeds we want to pull out. Open our eyes to beauty in all things, aware that each thing you create has its own purpose. As we live together, Holy God transform us to be a people who work toward bringing your kindom on earth. Amen.



The Word of God is to be shared.

The love of Jesus is to be lived.

Plant GodÕs seeds of love, hope, justice and peace.

We plant with courage and hope so peace might be made known on earth. The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.

(All are invited to greet others with handshakes or hugs while saying to them "The peace of Christ be with you" and responding "and also with you.")






*SONG OF PRAISE ÒAll Creatures of Our God and KingÓ

Let all things their Creator bless, and worship God

in humbleness, O praise God, Alleluia!

Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,

and praise the Spirit, Three in One,

O praise God, O praise God, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

We Listen for the Good News

CHILDRENÕS TIME          ÒPulling WeedsÓ                                      

SPECIAL MUSIC                                                Eileen Zank


SCRIPTURE READING           Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


SERMON        ÒDonÕt Pull ItÓ                 Rev. Jacoba Koppert


We Respond to the Good News

*HYMN       ÒIn the Bulb There Is a FlowerÓ  (pg. 6 bulletin)                                          

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE                     


  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever Amen.


INVITATION TO OFFERING                               

THE OFFERTORY                                               Eileen Zank


      Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

      Praise God, all creatures here below;

      Praise God for all that love has done;

      Creator, Christ and Spirit One.  Amen.



      Gracious God, we thank you for one another and for the gifts each of us brings to this table and to the ministry of UCC. Cause us to be generous with our time, talent and treasure so that your reign may come to be on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


*HYMN                      ÒAmazing GraceÓ                            #107                 



*RESPONSE    "Let There Be Peace on EarthÓ

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

      Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.  With God our Creator, children all are we. 

      Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony. 

      Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now.

With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow: 

      To take each moment, and live each moment

in peace eternally!  Let there be peace on earth

      and let it begin with me.


*POSTLUDE                                                          Eileen Zank

The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World

.1Adapted from liturgy written by Nancy C. Townley, Ministry Matters on line July 23, 2017












We welcome you to this service of worship.  We hope you will experience the love of God and your neighbors. You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall downstairs for coffee/refreshments and conversation. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.


Note:   You will find the attendance folders in the pews on the center racks of every pew - please take time to fill out the attendance sheet including your full address and return them to the side aisles, ushers will collect them during the last hymn. Thank you.

Radio Broadcast Sponsors  The radio broadcast portion of our worship service today is given anonymously by a faithful radio listener.


Today:  7:30 p.m. ÒWeird ChurchÓ Book Study; Chapters 5-6.



Monday, July 24- 6:30-7:30 p.m. Nar-Anon; Newsletter Week; please have your news articles in the church office by Tuesday, July 25


Summer Music

The Music Committee is looking for volunteers to help with

the special music this summer. Playing the piano, singing, playing an instrument. Groups, families, children are all welcome.  Please contact Betty Barr or anyone on the music committee.  The committee is also searching to hire a new choir director.  If you know of any possible – speak to them.



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