Neillsville, Wisconsin

Pastor Jacoba Koppert

Church 715-743-2147

Pastor's Office 715-743-2117



July 16, 2017                                                              9:00 a.m.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

All who are comfortably able are invited to stand at those

places in the service indicated by an asterisk*

We ask you to please turn off all telephones and electronic devices.

We Gather to Worship God

PRELUDE                                                               Karen Mohr

            ÒPrelude on ÒThe King of LoveÓ          (Gordon Young)


RINGING OF THE BELL               



GATHERING MUSIC      ÒFlyÓ                  (Maddie and Tae)

                              Sung by Dottie Holm


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                          

Leader:   In Jesus Christ, God has come to us planting seeds of faith in us.

People: We have come to worship God and to have our faith strengthened.

Leader:  Receive the gifts Jesus offers; listen for the words that the Holy Spirit intends for your ears.

People:  We want to grow in faith; we want to be supported on our journey and to support others on theirs.

Leader:   The Word of the Lord provides an astonishing harvest.

People:  How awesome is our God!  We gather to worship a God who helps us to grow and invites us to bear fruit.

*HYMN      ÒWonderful Word of LifeÓ                                 #29                                                



 Faithful God, plant your Word among us. May it spring up with lives that are nurturing, and inviting. We want the seeds you give us to take root so that you are honored and glorified. Keep us from despair when seeds of faith fail to grow. Save us from temptations which can choke out our determination to mature as disciples of Christ. When the seeds you plant in us bear much fruit, we pray all will glorify you. Amen.



The Word of God is to be shared.

The love of Jesus is to be lived.

Plant GodÕs seeds of love, hope, justice and peace.

We plant with courage and hope so peace might be made known on earth. The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.

(All are invited to greet others with handshakes or hugs while saying to them "The peace of Christ be with you" and responding "and also with you.")


*SONG OF PRAISE ÒTheyÕll Know We Are Christians by

                                          Our LoveÓ

All praise to the Father, from all things come,

And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son,

And all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one:

And theyÕll know we are Christians by our love,

by our love,

Yes, theyÕll know we are Christians by our love.


We Listen for the Good News

CHILDRENÕS TIME       ÒSeed PlantingÓ                              


SPECIAL MUSIC    ÒWherever Love IsÓ        (Bryan Sirchio)

                              Sung by Dottie Holm


SCRIPTURE READINGS    Isaiah 55:10-13

                                                 Psalm 65:9-13

                                                 Matthew 13:19-23


SERMON      ÒAbundant HarvestÓ       Rev. Jacoba Koppert


We Respond to the Good News

*HYMN      ÒWe Plow the Fields Ó                                      #395


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE                     


  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


INVITATION TO OFFERING                               

THE OFFERTORY                                               Karen Mohr

         ÒAll Things Bright and BeautifulÓ           (Gordon Young)


      Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

      Praise God, all creatures here below;

      Praise God for all that love has done;

      Creator, Christ and Spirit One.  Amen






      Creator God, your Word and love are sown among us.                     Now we return to you a small investment of the harvest.  As you have multiplied the works of our hands Lord God, so now, increase our gifts to your glory.  May the ministry we share bear much fruit, bring in an abundant harvest for your realm.  Amen.



     ÒYou Are Salt for the Earth, O PeopleÓ        (pg. 6 Bulletin)



*RESPONSE    "Father, I Adore YouÓ

Father, I adore you, and I lay my life down before you;

      How I love you.

Jesus, I adore you, and I lay my life down before you;

      How I love you.

Spirit, I adore you, and I lay my life down before you;

      How I love you.


*POSTLUDE                                                          Karen Mohr

The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World



We welcome you to this service of worship.  We hope you will experience the love of God and your neighbors. You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall downstairs for coffee/refreshments and conversation. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.


Note:   You will find the attendance folders in the pews on the center racks of every pew - please take time to fill out the attendance sheet including your full address and return them to the side aisles, ushers will collect them during the last hymn. Thank you.


Radio Broadcast Sponsors  The radio broadcast portion of our worship service today is given anonymously by a faithful radio listener.


Today:  7:30 p.m. ÒWeird ChurchÓ Book Study:  Chapters 3&4



Monday, July 17- 6:30-7:30 p.m. Nar-Anon.

Thursday, July 20 – 10:30-11:30 a.m. Memory CafŽ meeting.

Saturday, July 2210 a.m.-1:30 p.m. ÒSowing Seeds of MercyÓ Fundraiser for House of Mercy at the Allan & Connie Walter farm. W4077 Heintown Rd., Loyal, WI  (WE INVITE YOU ALL TO COME! Our church is providing the pasta salads.- Hope to see you there!)


Summer Music

The Music Committee is looking for volunteers to help with

the special music this summer. Playing the piano, singing, playing an instrument. Groups, families, children are all welcome.  Please contact Betty Barr or anyone on the music committee.  The committee is also searching to hire a new choir director.  If you know of any possible – speak to them.


















































Copyright © 1994 by G.I.A. Publication, Inc. Reprinted under A-723900