Neillsville, Wisconsin

Pastor Jacoba Koppert

Church 715-743-2147

Pastor's Office 715-743-2117


April 30, 2017                                                             10:00 a.m.


Third Sunday of Easter

All who are comfortably able are invited to stand at those

places in the service indicated by an asterisk*

We ask you to please turn off all telephones and electronic devices.


We Gather to Worship God

PRELUDE                                                               Eileen Zank

RINGING OF THE BELL               




                        Senior Choir – Joe Anderson, Director



Leader:    In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the waters,                                                    

People:    and God said ÒUn-bine creation and let her out!Ó and God declared it to be Good.

Leader:     God said, ÒLet there be lightÓ and called the light ÒDayÓ and the darkness ÒNight.Ó

People:  God spoke the word to call the land from the water, pulling Green Lake down to the depths and raising Timms Hill above the waters, and in GodÕs eyes they were Good.

Leader:     GodÕs word called to life the soybean and the milking cow, the robin and the earthworm,

People:   the honey bee and the gray wolf, the microbe and the muskellunge, and GodÕs heart saw them to be Good.

Leader:     Then God spoke a final time, making creatures who carry the divine image:  us.

People:    Forming humans by holy word, male and female together, to tend and steward all that God had made.

Leader:    And God saw that it was all Very Good.

People:   And God declared that it is all Very Good.

Leader:     On the seventh day, God rested.

People:   And on this seventh day, we come to worship and remember our role as partners in creation.


*HYMN        ÒAll Creatures of Our God and KingÓ         #347       


We Confess Our Sins and Seek GodÕs Forgiveness


     Our beautiful blue and green home is an awesome, awesome gift.  Yet we trade clean air for the power of convenience, clean water for easy waste disposal, and wilderness for elbowroom.  We marvel more at our inventions than over your creations.  Share your wisdom and teach us how to protect the best, and restore the rest of your rivers and mountains, seas and prairies, wetlands and forest.  Guide us in living sustainably, being satisfied that ÒenoughÓ is enough of a feast, and not consuming more than we need.  Guide us to repair and replace your Very Good:  our habitat, climate, and food web. Send your spirit over the waters again; stir us to action, justice, and wise choices.  We pray we can be a part of bringing back creation to glory and peace.







     Leader:        In Revelation, we hear of a new heaven and new earth.  Every tear will be wiped away, and God will make all things new.  This day, we are made new!  In Jesus, we are forgiven!  Amen.

     All:             Thanks be to God.  Alleluia!  Amen.



     As Christ Jesus has shared his peace with each of us, let us share that peace with each other.  Peace be with you.

And peace be with you.

(All are invited to greet others with handshakes or hugs while saying to them "The peace of Christ be with you" and responding "and also with you.")!


*OUR RESPONSE              ÒGloria PatriÓ

     Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.  Amen.


We Listen for the Word of God


CHOIR SINGS              ÒTrust and ObeyÓ                             



        Praise the LORD!

        Praise the LORD from heavens;

        praise him in the heights!


        Praise him, all his angels;

        Praise him, all his host!


        Praise him, sun and moon;

        praise him, all you shining stars!


        Praise him, you highest heavens,

        and you waters above the heavens!

        Let them praise the name of the LORD,

        for he commanded and they were created.


        He established them for ever and ever;

        he fixed their bounds, which cannot be passed


        Praise the LORD from the earth,

        you sea monsters and all deeps,


        fire and hail, snow and frost,

        stormy wind fulfilling his command!


        Mountains and all hills,

        fruit trees and all cedars!


        Wild animals and all cattle,

        creeping things and flying birds!


        Kings of the earth and all peoples,

        princes and all rulers of the earth!


        Young men and women alike,

        old and young together!


        Let them praise the name of the LORD,

        for his name alone is exalted;

        his glory is above earth and heaven.


        He has raised up a horn for his people,

        praise for all his faithful,

        for the people of Israel who are close to him.

        Praise the Lord!


SERMON               ÒEarth:  Pass It On!Ó              Sue Vornholt                                   


*HYMN          ÒTouch the Earth LightlyÓ                     (insert)


We Respond to GodÕs Faithfulness



THE LORDÕS PRAYER (Special version from the

New Zealand Prayer book)

            Eternal Spirit

            Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

            source of all that is and that shall be,

            Father and Mother of us all.

            Loving God, in whom is heaven.

            The hallowing of your name echoes through

             the universe!

            The way of your justice be followed by the peoples

             of the earth!

            Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!

            Your commonwealth of peace and freedom

            sustain our hope and come on earth.

            With the bread we need for today, feed us.

            In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.

            In times of temptation and test, spare us.

            From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

            For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,

            now and forever.  Amen.



   We are surrounded by EarthÕs gifts of beauty, diversity, and power.  We are called to be stewards and caretakers of our amazing and fragile pale blue dot.  Let us offer back our gifts of money, skills, and service to our ongoing shared work with our creator.


THE OFFERTORY                                            Eileen Zank  


            Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

            Praise God, all creatures here below;

            Praise God for all that love has done;

            Creator, Christ and Spirit One.  Amen.



Every part of nature is connected.  Every gift we receive comes from you.  Every moment of time is pregnant with new creation.  We return with this offering to you in wonder and gratitude.


*HYMN             ÒGod of the Sparrow"                          (insert)                       


Leader:  May the Spirit move us to protect the Very Good that God has made.

People:  May our Creator show us the way to live more gently, and restore our home.

Leader:  Cherish all creatures of earth, sea and sky.

People:  We will work to make a healthy space for all, until our Risen Savior returns and makes all things new.     

All:  And let God again say: ÒIt is Very Good!Ó


*RESPONSE   "Let There Be PeaceÓ

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.

With God our Creator, children all are we. 

Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony. 

Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now.

With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow:

To take each moment, and live each moment in peace eternally! 

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.


*POSTLUDE                                                   Eileen Zank  


The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World


We thank Sue Vornholt for leading our worship service today.


We welcome you to this service of worship.  We hope you will experience the love of God and your neighbors.  You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall downstairs for coffee/refreshments and conversation.  Whoever you are and wherever you are on lifeÕs journey, you are welcome here.


Note:   You will find the attendance folders in the pews on the center racks of every pew - please take time to fill out the attendance sheet including your full address and return them to the side aisles, ushers will collect them during the last hymn. Thank you.


Radio Broadcast Sponsors – Today the radio broadcast portion of our worship service is given anonymously by a faithful radio listener.



Monday, May -  6:30-7:30 p.m. Nar-Anon.

Wednesday, May 3 – 3:30 p.m. CDÕs (last session for the CDÕs until fall) & Confirmation

Saturday, May 6 – 7 a.m. UCC MenÕs Club Breakfast.

Next Sunday, May 7 – 9 a.m. Sunday School; 9 a.m. Sr. Choir practice; 10 a.m. Worship; Haddie Mathis Baptism


Looking Ahead at the Calendar

Saturday, May13 – 11:00 a.m. Todd WallÕs Celebration of Life service; visitation will be from 10-11 a.m. here at the church.

The Lamplight Concert  (A benefit for House of Mercy) will be take place on Saturday, May 13 – 2:00 p.m. at the Clark Cultural Art Center, 201 E. 4th St. Neillsville (former United Methodist Church.) Kate Jennings, vocal – Judith Permann, piano.  Refreshments will be served.


Sunday, May 14 -ÒMotherÕs Day/Festival of the Christian HomeÓ – 9 a.m. Sunday School (Last session until fall)  (kids will sing during the worship service) 10 a.m. Worship; Confirmation for Arianna Rochester; Commuion/Intiction.


Wednesday, May 17 – 5 p.m. Church ÒSpring CleaningÓ

Sign-up on the bulletin board.


Sunday, May 21 - Baccalaureate Sunday (UCC High School Graduates will be honored)  We will also print the names of any college/tech students that have graduated.   Please give the names/information to Audrey or Pastor Jacoba. Volunteer Recognition Sunday will also take place this Sunday.


Coffee Hour Servers – We could use some volunteers!  Can you help us out? Sign-up on the bulletin board.




























































Copyright ©1992 by Hope Publishing Co. All rights reserved, Used by permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.netA723900










































Words Copyright © 1983 Jaroslav J. Vajda. Music Copyright ©1983 by G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Reprinted under OneLicense.netA723900