Neillsville, Wisconsin

Pastor Jacoba Koppert

Church 715-743-2147

Pastor's Office 715-743-2117


November 20, 2016                                                    10:00 a.m.


All who are comfortably able are invited to stand at those

places in the service indicated by an asterisk*

We ask you to please turn off all telephones and electronic devices.


We Gather to Worship


PRELUDE                                                               Eileen Zank                                                      




GATHERING MUSIC    Senior Choir Joe Anderson, Director

                   ÒCanticle of ThanksgivingÓ                 (Dale Wood)



Leader:   When we long for GodÕs presence, where can we turn?  We search high and low, on hilltops and in valleys. God can be found anywhere and everywhere.  But how can we sense God in our lives?  God is always present; it is our challenge to receive that presence.

People:  Open us to that presence here and now.  Let us discover God in all that we do!








                    God of Grace and God of Strength, we gather in this place in search of your presence in our lives.  Despite knowing that you are always near us, at

                    times we are surprised at where we do or do not find you.  Please help us build a faith based upon a strong foundation so that you, O God may be stronger in our lives.  Help us build upon the rock of your strength instead of the sands of our whims.  Amen.


*HYMN                   "This Is the Day"                        (Insert)                    



      Leader:      God wants peace for the world and peace for each of us.  

People:     Jesus calls us to love one another as he has loved us.  

      Leader:      When GodÕs love is made known through us, peace will soon follow.

      People:     May peace fill our hearts. We share the peace God offers with one another.

      Leader:      Let us share GodÕs peace.

         (All are invited to greet others with handshakes or hugs while saying to them   "The peace of Christ be with you" and responding "and also with you.")


*OUR RESPONSE   *The Gloria PatriÓ    

      Glory be to the Father, and to the Son

      and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning,

      is now, and ever shall be, world without end. 

      Amen. Amen.


We Listen for the Word of God


            Bonnie Weyer and Marge Goetsch




      ÒThanksgiving Dance                            (Nancy Middlemas)


SCRIPTURE READING                  

      John 3:8-13  (Wind of the Holy Spirit)      Hannah Erickson        

SERMON              "Mark This PlaceÓ                Sue Vornholt


We Respond to the Holy Spirit's Leading

*HYMN    "Wind Who Makes All Winds That Blow"  (Insert)                                 



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.  Amen.



OFFERTORY                                                         Eileen Zank


      Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

      Praise God, all creatures here below;

      Praise God for all that love has done;

      Creator, Christ and Spirit One.  Amen.


*PRAYER OF DEDICATION         (unison)

God of wind and fire, may new life be breathed into the world because of these gifts we return to you.  Grant us enhanced capacity to carry your revelation to others in ways they can understand.  We seek to be to one another channels of your love and peace, both in person and through the outreach of our offerings.  Amen.


*HYMN         "Every Time I Feel the SpiritÓ                  #269


Amazing God, who created humanity as one people, now send us out as one body in Christ.  Out of our differences, create understanding and eagerness to explore the variety among us.  Out of our narrowness, fashion a breadth of involvement to     feed our spirits.  May we dream dreams and see visions.  May we truly hear our sisters and brothers and respond to them with empathy and love, in JesusÕ   name.  Amen.           



The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World




We welcome you to this service of worship.  We hope you will experience the love of God and your neighbors.  You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall downstairs for coffee/refreshments and conversation. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.


Note:   You will find the attendance folders in the pews on the center racks of every pew - please take time to fill out the attendance sheet including your full address and return them to the side aisles, ushers will collect them during the last hymn.  Thank you.


Today:  Following worship we need volunteers to help put up the Christmas tree and other decorations.  We especially need men.  Many hands will make the job go faster.  Thank you!


Radio Broadcast Sponsors: Today the radio broadcast portion of our worship service is given by Dolores Johnson in memory of her sister, Dorothy Amport.




Monday, November 21 Ð 6:30-7:30 p.m. Nar-anon.


(Office will be closed Tuesday, November 22-Friday, November 25.)  In case of an emergency call Audrey at

(715-743-2403.) Pastor Jacoba will be on vacation November 20-November 29.  She will be back in the office on Wednesday, November 30.


Next Sunday, November 27 Ð First Sunday of Advent Ð Pastor James Mohr will fill the pulpit.  9 a.m. Sunday School;

9 a.m. Sr. Choir practice.


Order Your Poinsettia NOW -   We are taking orders.  The cost for each plant is $13.00.  If you make out a check, please make it out to Falls Florist. Names will be printed in the Christmas Eve service bulletins.  Order in memory, in honor of someone or for any other reason you may choose. Take your poinsettia home with you following the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Ever service.


Blue Christmas Service? There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for those of you that are interested in attending a ÒBlue ChristmasÓ service.  The service would be held on the evening of Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m.  This signup will help us decide if there is enough interest to offer this service. Anyone who finds themselves not joyful and cheery for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease that puts a question mark over the future, those suffering from seasonal affective disorder, and a number of other situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregation and community.  This service will be reflective, accepting where we really are, and surrounding each other with healing and hope.


Advent Offerings Ð You will find ADVENT folders on the table in the Nathex for your Advent offering if you wish to have one.  If you write just one check, be sure to write Advent Offering in the memo line. Advent monies will be used for local missions.






































Words Copyright © 1983; Music Copyright © 1985 , Oxford University Press, Inc.  Reprinted under One A-723900